6 Things Most Dog Trainers Won’t Tell you
1. Most of the time, training will require you to do what you hate/fear doing.
Step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unexpected, because that's where true growth happens! When it comes to training your furry friend, we understand that certain behaviors can be daunting. But fear not! We take into account every aspect of your dog's well-being – their surroundings, health, genetics, and mindset – to create a personalized plan. Now, imagine this: if the thought of walking your dog fills you with dread and leaves you red-faced, guess what? We've got a surprising solution in store for you! Brace yourself for more walks, but this time with the expert guidance of your trainer by your side. Get ready to conquer your fears and transform those stressful moments into enjoyable adventures!
2. The first step is to learn how to prepare your dog for stress - and also learning how to prepare yourself!
Gear up for success by mastering the art of stress preparation—for both you and your adorable companion! When it comes to tackling challenging situations with your dog, it's crucial to set the stage for triumph. So, before diving into nerve-wracking tasks, take a moment to ensure that your furry friend is ready to conquer the world:
• Ensure they are well-fed and hydrated.
• Let them enjoy a restful slumber.
• Check their physical comfort—no restlessness or discomfort.
• Let them indulge in recent playtime.
Now, it's your turn to get ready! Don't neglect your own needs as you embark on this journey:
• Fuel your body with nutritious food.
• Allow yourself ample time for rest and rejuvenation.
• Engage in invigorating exercises, stretches, and tune in to your body's needs.
• Rediscover the joy of playtime in your own unique way!
Remember, the world around us may not always be within our control, but these challenges serve as invaluable learning opportunities. Embrace them wholeheartedly, for they hold the key to building unshakable confidence for both you and your furry companion. Let the adventures begin!
3.You may not be CAUSING your dog's behaviour… but you sure can be feeding it.
Unleash the power of responsible dog ownership and discover the impact you have on your furry friend's behavior!
As devoted dog owners, we strive to provide the best care possible, even if we lack some expertise along the way. But here's a thought-provoking truth: while you may not directly cause your dog's behavior, you could be unintentionally fueling it.
One common challenge I often encounter is clients seeking assistance with the elusive "drop it" or "leave it" command. So, I pose a crucial question: "What do you offer as an alternative?" Surprisingly, silence often follows their response.
Here's the deal: dogs, especially energetic pups, have a natural inclination to chew. It's a healthy behavior that requires stimulation. Our responsibility lies in setting clear expectations and providing appropriate chew options. Another essential aspect to consider is exercise. A bored dog with pent-up energy is a ticking time bomb, and it's not their fault—it's on us, their well-intentioned owners. It's simply unfair to expect them to suppress their instincts and desires if their basic physiological needs aren't met.
So, let's embark on a journey of understanding and empowerment. Together, we'll explore how your actions can shape your dog's behavior and unleash their true potential. Get ready to witness remarkable transformations as we bridge the gap between your dog's needs and your nurturing care. It's time to take charge and create a harmonious bond that celebrates the innate nature of your four-legged companion!
4. Learning the Art of Stopping: A Balancing Act
Picture this: your training session is going flawlessly, and you've even introduced a new trick to your furry companion. You've got them mentally and physically stimulated, and the excitement is overwhelming. Tempted to keep going, you find yourself at a crossroads. Suddenly, your dog starts faltering, ignoring your commands or even resisting. You've unknowingly pushed them beyond their limits. Now, you face a difficult decision.
Option 1: End the session on a non-compliant note, granting your devoted companion a well-deserved break.
Option 2: Push your dog to persist until they perform the command correctly, and then conclude the session on a positive note.
Did you know that shorter, more frequent training sessions have been scientifically proven to be more efficient than a single, lengthy session per week? Even just five minutes can work wonders! It's true! By ensuring that your training aligns with your dog's mental and physical capacity, both you and your furry friend will experience greater joy. Additionally, if you feel your pup could benefit from more training, you can easily squeeze in a quick five-minute session anytime, anywhere. This approach allows your dog to take necessary breaks and minimizes frustration caused by exhaustion.
5. The Fallacy of Perfection: Embrace Improvement
Let's debunk a myth: practice doesn't make perfect. Instead, it leads to improvement. Practice nurtures your comfort and equips you to overcome challenges. Perfection is an elusive state we'll never truly reach. However, the words "improve" and "overcome" hold tremendous power. Progress is an ongoing journey, and every day you're making strides, even when it feels otherwise. So keep practicing, for each endeavor propels you forward on the path of growth!
6. You can make your dog understand that they did something wrong without punishment
Contrary to popular belief, punishing your dog isn't the only way to correct their behavior. I discovered an effective alternative by teaching my dog that the word "WRONG!" indicates a chance to problem-solve and try again. Using this cue, I encourage my dog to explore different approaches. While punishment can be effective due to its aversive nature, it should never be our first choice, unless immediate danger is involved. Remember, the training journey with your dog is ongoing, allowing ample room for them to reconsider and learn. By providing them with opportunities to think, you foster their development in a remarkably beneficial way.